
Constitution 2023

(from the Church Constitution Committee)

We, the members of West Lenoir Baptist Church, Lenoir, North Carolina, in following the Holy Scriptures and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, have recognized the need to reconstitute ourselves to follow the biblical pattern more closely. Together we voluntarily and sincerely submit ourselves to this Constitution.

The Constitution of West Lenoir Baptist Church shall be made up of its Church Covenant, Statement of Faith, and Bylaws. This Constitution in no way replaces the authority of Scripture over the church. The purpose of this Constitution is to secure and preserve in this church the principles of biblical faith so that this body would be governed in a scriptural and orderly manner. This Constitution is to be always interpreted to reflect the character of Jesus Christ and bring Him glory as revealed in the Holy Bible and articulated in the Statement of Faith and Covenant of this Church.

Upon the church’s approval, this constitution will replace all previous church rules and regulations or bylaws. This constitution will serve as the only articles of government of this church (Matthew 16:18- 19; 1 Corinthians 14:40).

Church Covenant


The purpose of this church covenant is to provide a verbal and visual reminder of a spiritually healthy church membership. A church covenant is a promise – a promise made to God, to a local church, and to one’s self. While our statement of faith is a good summary of what we believe, our church covenant is a summary of how we agree to live – more importantly, it is a summary of how God would have us live.

A church covenant does not include every explicit command regarding obedience, but it does give a general summary of what it means to live as a disciple of Christ. The purpose of a church covenant is to give meaning to the commitments of church membership and is the understanding that church membership involves being held accountable to live in a manner consistent with our common understanding of Scripture.1

Church Covenant:

Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God and divine grace to repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and to submit fully to Him, and on the profession of our faith, having submitted to believers baptism in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, we do now, in the presence of God, and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into [renew our] covenant with one another, as one body in Christ.


We pledge to not forsake the assembling of ourselves together on a regular basis. We will witness to our faith by remaining active in attendance and fellowship.

We pledge by the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit, to walk together in Christian love, to strive for the advancement of this church and God’s kingdom, in knowledge, holiness and comfort; to place the welfare of this local body above our individual rights in priority and practice.

We pledge to promote our church’s prosperity and spirituality; to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline, and doctrines; to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the gospel through all nations.

We also pledge to maintain family and personal devotions; to educate our children in the Christian faith; to seek the salvation of our family and friends; to walk carefully in the world; to be honest and just in our dealings, denying ungodliness and lusts, knowing our behavior must reflect the holiness of our Savior and the integrity of this local body; to avoid all gossip and misuse of social media, backbiting, and unrighteous anger; to seek God’s help in not being mastered by any intoxicating substance; or jeopardize our own or another’s faith; and to be zealous in our efforts to advance the kingdom of our Savior.

We further pledge to watch over one another in brotherly love; to remember each other in prayer; to help each other in sickness and distress; to rejoice in each other’s happiness and endeavor with tenderness and sympathy to bear each other’s burdens and sorrows; to cultivate Christian compassion and courtesy in speech; to be slow to take offense, but always ready for reconciliation, remembering the command of our Savior to secure it without delay.

We finally pledge that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church, where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God’s Word.

Statement of Faith

insert Statement of Faith Here

Article 1 – Name
1.1 This church shall be known as West Lenoir Baptist Church.

Article 2 – Purpose of this Church

2.1 The purpose of this church is to glorify God through Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 3:21, Colossians 1:18).


2.2 This church exists by the grace of God and for the Glory of God. This church glorifies God by faithfully following biblical instruction in:

  • Worshipping God (John 4:23-24, 1 Peter 2:5).

  • Proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ through preaching and personal witness consistent with

    the teaching of the Scriptures (Acts 20:27, 2 Timothy 4:1-2).

  • Building up the saints (1 Corinthians 14:12, Ephesians 4:12).

  • Administering the two scriptural ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper (Matthew 28:19,

    Luke 22:19).

  • Participating in and supporting missions work both locally and worldwide (Matthew 28:18-20,

    Luke 24:46-48).

  • Practicing formative and corrective discipline (1 Thessalonians 5:14, Titus 2:15, Matthew 18:15-


  • Striving to strengthen and establish other churches in faithfulness and purity (Acts 16:5, Jude


  • Ministering relief to the needy, especially among the saints (Romans 15:26-27, Galatians 6:10).

    Article 3 – Church Government

    3.1 Jesus Christ is Lord and head of this church. The government of West Lenoir Baptist Church shall follow the will of Christ as expressed in the Holy Scriptures. The Holy Scriptures are the ultimate authority for this congregation (Psalm 118:22, Ephesians 1:22-23, Colossians 1:18, 2:10).

    3.2 This church is self-governing and subject to the control of its own leaders and members. The government of West Lenoir Baptist church is vested in the body of believers who compose it (Matthew 16:18-19, 18:18-20). Therefore, its form of government shall be Congregational.

    3.3. This church is subject to no other ecclesiastical body. When it is desirable for fellowship, cooperation, or consultation, West Lenoir Baptist Church may be associated with those churches and organizations which consistently uphold the truth of God’s Word and the spirit of the West Lenoir Baptist Church Statement of Faith. Any voluntary associations or cooperations shall in no wise allow any undue influence or jurisdiction over this local congregation (Galatians 1:8-10).

    Article 4 - Membership Section 1: The Church Defined

    The word church (ekkleĚ„sia) means “called-out ones”. A church is a local body of disciples united by a shared faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, who are covenanted together through the fellowship of the gospel. (Acts 2:47, 14:27; 1 Corinthians 1:2; Colossians 1:18)

    See article _____ in West Lenoir Baptist Church Statement of faith.


Section 2: Church Membership

Church membership is the means by which regenerated believers in Jesus Christ, locally join together to minister alongside one another, submit to one another, serve one another, and unite together with Christ.
~ Romans 12:5 So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.

The membership of West Lenoir Baptist Church shall be comprised of those who:

  • Publicly profess his or her faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (Matthew 10:32; Romans 10:9)

  • Are a disciple of Jesus Christ, showing biblical evidence of regeneration. (1 John 2:29; Galatians 5:22-25)

  • Have been scripturally baptized following his or her conversion. (Matthew 28:19; Acts 2:38; 8:12; 19:5)

  • Communicate to the pastoral leadership his or her desire to be a member of West Lenoir Baptist Church.

  • Promise to keep the commitments expressed in the West Lenoir Baptist Church Membership Covenant. (Ephesians 4:16)

  • Believe the teaching of scripture as conveyed in the West Lenoir Baptist Church Statement of Faith.

  • Are recommended for membership by the pastoral leadership and are affirmed by the congregation.

    *Any deviations from the above will be considered on an individual basis by the pastoral leadership. See Section 4: Reception into Membership.

    Section 3: Purpose of Church Membership

    Church membership gives a local congregation the structure necessary to:

  • Define and protect the purity of the gospel message. (Galatians 1:7-8, 2 Thessalonians 2:15)

  • Recognize those belonging to West Lenoir Baptist Church. (Matthew 16:19)

  • Identify who participates in the responsibilities and privileges of the church.

  • Minister adequate care, nurture, and protection to each member of the congregation. (Acts


  • Correct and seek the restoration of erring members under Christ’s authority by maintaining a

    biblical standard of doctrine and conduct. (1 Corinthians 5:1-5)

    Section 4: Reception into Membership
    The regular means of joining West Lenoir Baptist Church will be as follows in this section.


1. Requests to Unite

  • Any believer who is regularly attending to West Lenoir Baptist Church, who desires to join the

    membership, should communicate their request to the church’s pastoral leadership.

  • Upon receiving a request to join West Lenoir Baptist Church, the pastoral leadership will

    provide the individual with a membership packet to review and complete.

- The membership packet will include (at minimum):

1. New Member Application 2. Church Covenant
3. Church Constitution/Bylaws 4. Church Statement of Faith

• The pastoral leadership will schedule a membership interview with the individual(s) requesting to join West Lenoir Baptist Church.

2. Membership Interview
Once the candidate for membership has read and completed the forms in the membership packet he or she will meet with a member of the pastoral leadership and another church member delegated by the congregation.
At the membership interview the pastoral leadership will:

  • Discuss with each candidate his or her basic Christian experience and receive the individual(s) testimony.

  • Answer any questions about the Church’s doctrinal beliefs as expressed in the church’s Statement of Faith and verify the candidates general understanding and agreement.

  • Consider the membership request based on the standards for membership expressed in section 2.

  • Confirm each candidate’s serious intention to support wholeheartedly the total ministry of this church, and to live for Christ in accordance with our church covenant.

    3. Recommendation to the Congregation
    When a candidate is recommended for membership by the pastoral leadership the individual(s) will be presented to the congregation for a vote to be received into membership. Congregational votes to receive members will follow the processes designated in the church’s Constitution/Bylaws.

    Baptisms and Letters of Recommendation:

  • The church will coordinate with those candidates who are recommended for membership and

    are awaiting baptism to schedule a baptism service prior to the congregational vote for

    reception into membership.

  • Upon recommendation for membership the church will request a letter of recommendation

    from the former church of those candidates coming from another church of similar faith and practice prior to the congregational vote for reception into membership.


Membership candidates who are not recommended for membership by the pastoral leadership will not be presented to the congregation for a vote.

4. Reception into Fellowship

Once a candidate receives the congregation’s vote of affirmation, the individual is received into West Lenoir Baptist Church as a member in good standing having the full benefits and duties of membership.

Upon reception into the membership of West Lenoir Baptist Church an individual relinquishes membership in any other church.

Upon reception into the membership of West Lenoir Baptist Church everyone will be enrolled in a Sunday School class for instruction, growth, and care. (Matthew 28:20; Deuteronomy 31:12-13)

Section 5: Forms of Membership
The membership of West Lenoir Baptist Church will be formed by regular members and special


1. Regular Membership will be the ordinary form of membership for West Lenoir Baptist Church. Active members should normally be present for worship and other meetings of the church. Active members should prayerfully vote in church elections and carry out the ministry of the body as long as they remain members in good standing.

2. Special Membership is a special form of membership appropriate for extraordinary circumstances. Non-attending members may include those who are unable to attend because of physical/health limitations, military service, Christian workers, and others whose relationship to the church involves special circumstances. Non-attending membership will be reviewed by the pastoral leadership on a case-by-case basis.

Section 6: Membership Duties

All followers of Jesus are called to a life of discipleship (Luke 9:23). The members of West Lenoir Baptist Church will worship, praise, and seek to bring glory to our Lord Jesus Christ with our whole life (1 Cor 10:31).

The Holy Spirit, alive in each believer, applies the truth revealed in Holy Scripture to transform believers into the image of Jesus Christ. Every member of West Lenoir Baptist Church should be growing in sanctification and utilizing the talents and gifts afforded to them by the Spirit for the building up of the saints.

~ James 1:22 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.


The offices and ministry of West Lenoir Baptist Church are to be carried out only by members in good standing. Non-members may serve as observers or as the need arises upon the approval of the pastoral leadership.

In accord with the Christian practice and habits enumerated in the West Lenoir Baptist Church Covenant, each member assumes responsibility for the ministry, witness, and life of the church. In His wisdom, God has prescribed certain duties we are to carry out one to another. Some of these are:

  • To love one another sincerely in deed and truth (John 13:34, 35; Romans 12:9; 13:8–10; 1 John 3:18).

  • To labor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (Ephesians 4:3).

  • To work for the edification and spiritual benefit of the whole body. (1 Corinthians 14:12, 26;

    Ephesians 4:12, 29; 2:21, 22).

  • To pray with and for one another (James 5:16).

  • Not to neglect the assembling of ourselves together and to promote one another’s spiritual

    benefit (Hebrews 10:25; Acts 2:42).

  • To contend unanimously for the faith and truth once delivered to the saints (Psalm 93:5;

    Zechariah 14:2; 1 Corinthians 14:33–40; 11:2).

  • To contribute freely and cheerfully to the financial wellbeing of the church according to how God has prospered each member. (1 Timothy 6:17-19; 1 Corinthians 8:3, 16:1,2; Ephesians 4:28 2 Corinthians 9:7)

  • To respect and recognize the appointed officers of the church (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13; Hebrews 13:17; Philippians 3:17)

    These duties of membership (while not a comprehensive list) are appropriate for and are to be carried out by every member. The following section is instructive in the event a church member’s failure to keep the duty of a disciple and/or the duties of membership.

    Section 7: Discipline of Members

    West Lenoir Baptist Church is shaped and visibly known by its members (2 Corinthians 2:15). Each member has covenanted one with another to believe and to live as a Christian. All members are under the authority of the church and the membership has the responsibility of holding one another accountable to follow Jesus (Hebrews 3:13).

    ~ Galatians 6:1 Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.

  • 1. Church Discipline Defined.Church discipline is the Biblically prescribed process of correcting sin in the life of the congregation and its members. In church discipline, the local church calls professing believers to repentance in hopes of restoration. Church discipline typically begins privately and informally, growing to include the whole church when necessary.

2. Objective of Church Discipline
The objective(s) of church discipline is:

  • The repentance and restoration of the erring member (Matthew 7:26-27, 18:15; Hebrews 12:11).

  • The instruction and guidance of the membership as a body (Romans 15:14; Hebrews 10:24; Romans 15:14).

  • To maintain the purity of the whole church. (1 Corinthians 5:6-7; Ephesians 5:27; 2 John 10-11)

  • To preserve a clear corporate witness in the world (2 Peter 2:2; John 13:35; Romans 2:24; 1

    Timothy 3:7; Ephesians 5:11; 1 John 3:10)

  • The refection of God’s glory and holiness (Matthew 5:16; John 15:8; 2 Corinthians 6:15, 7:1; 1 Peter 2:12)

  • 3. Grounds for Church Discipline

    Any member of West Lenoir Baptist Church who has knowledge of an erring member’s false teaching or misconduct has the duty to warn and encourage the erring member in truth and love (Ephesians 4:14-16). Whenever possible, reasonable efforts based in personal counsel and encouragement will seek to resolve disputes, correct error, and remove offenses.

    When individual private counsel has failed to correct the error, the matter will be brought to the attention of the pastoral leadership. Upon receiving credible testimony of substantial false teaching or misconduct, the pastoral leadership will follow the Biblical processes for church discipline.

    Church discipline will be initiated for any member of West Lenoir Baptist Church who:

  • Teaches, publicly promotes, or insists on holding to false doctrine. (Titus 3:9-10)

  • Persists in sinful conduct by which the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be dishonored. (1

    Corinthians 5:11-13, 2 Thessalonians 3:14-15)

  • Opposes the welfare of the church in disturbing the unity of the body. (Romans 16:17)

  • Conducts himself or herself in a manner inconsistent with Biblical teaching to cast doubt on

    their profession of faith. (1 Corinthians 6:1-10) 4. Procedures of Church Discipline

    All acts of church discipline must be lovingly carried out for the care of the erring member, the protection of the church, and for the glory of Christ. Church discipline may include private admonition by the pastoral leadership, formal admonition by the congregation, temporary suspension of membership privileges, removal from church office, or dismissal from membership.

The procedures of church discipline are ordered in the Holy Scripture in Matthew 18, 1 Corinthians 5, and 2 Thessalonians 3. This procedure shall include:

  • The erring member is confronted in love and care by a fellow believer seeking to restore, correct error, and encourage faithfulness. (Matthew 18:15)
    If the one in error repents and seeks restoration, then the matter is forgiven, and fellowship resumed.

  • If the erring member fails to repent and continues in error, then they are to be addressed by two or three believers with the objective of establishing the nature of the sin being confronted and the response of the member in error. (Matthew 18:16)
    The inclusion of additional witnesses gives additional encouragement for the erring member to appropriately respond and seek restoration. Wisdom would suggest that these additional witnesses be mature Christians and often from the church’s pastoral leadership.

    If repentance and restoration are achieved as a part of this confrontation by two or three witnesses, then the erring member is forgiven, and the matter is resolved.

  • If time reveals the erring member has not repented or sought restoration, the witnesses and pastoral leadership will report the situation to the congregation. (Matthew 18:17)
    The congregation will spend time diligently praying for the repentance of and pleading with the erring member to repent and seek restoration. (2 Thessalonians 3:15)
    If repentance and restoration are achieved by the work of the congregation then the erring member is forgiven, fellowship is restored, and the matter will be reported back to the congregation as settled.

  • Should all the previous efforts at pursuing the erring member fail to produce repentance, then the pastoral leadership will recommend that the congregation vote to remove the one in error from membership. (Matthew 18:17, 2 Corinthians 2:6)
    The continued refusal of the erring member has cast grave doubt on the condition of their eternal soul and the congregation will seek to evangelize and pray for the conversion of the individual. (1 Corinthians 5:5, 12-13, Titus 3:10-11)

  • In extraordinary situations when sinful conduct or false teaching has been publicly scandalous and wicked in nature, so that great harm is done to the name of Christ and His church, the pastoral leadership may recommend to the congregation an immediate vote of exclusion from membership. (1 Corinthians 5:2)

  • The final vote of the congregation to remove an individual from membership is authoritative and without appeal (Matthew 18:18-21).

  • If an individual previously excluded from membership desires restoration and has demonstrated repentance and renewed belief in the gospel, he or she will be joyfully welcomed back into the church following the procedure for reception into membership in Section 4 above (2 Corinthians 2:5-11).

5. Accusation of Pastors

All members of West Lenoir Baptist Church are under the authority of the church and may be subject to church discipline. Any accusation against a member of the pastoral leadership must be confirmed by two or three witnesses in accordance with the Scripture (1 Timothy 5:19-21).

Section 8: Removal from Membership

The local church represents the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Just as the reception of members is directed by biblical principles so will the removal of membership follow biblical standards. (Matthew 16:19) Termination of membership concludes a person’s rights, privileges and responsibilities held by the membership of West Lenoir Baptist Church.

Membership in West Lenoir Baptist Church will terminate in one of the following ways:

1. Death – Those members who are removed from our midst by death naturally will be removed from the membership roll. At the next church business meeting following the death of a saint, the congregation will be notified that the member has graduated to eternity and is released from the membership roll.

2. Transfer of Membership – Any person leaving the membership of West Lenoir Baptist Church should seek to establish membership in another church of similar faith and practice as soon as possible.

Letters of recommendation for membership transfer will be granted upon a vote of approval by the congregation.

  • When West Lenoir Baptist Church receives a request for a letter of recommendation for membership transfer, the request will be reviewed by the pastoral leadership for recommendation to the congregation.

  • The pastoral leadership will only recommend a letter of recommendation be granted to other gospel believing and preaching churches of similar faith and practice.

  • Those requests for letters of recommendation which are recommended by the pastoral leadership will be presented to the congregation for a vote to grant the letter and to remove the individual from the membership roll.

  • No letter of recommendation will be given to any member who is subject to an ongoing church discipline process.

  • Other requests for letters that are not recommended by the pastoral leadership may be considered for removal of membership under number 3 below.


3. Removal from Roll - In certain situations, a member may be removed from membership for reasons that do not warrant discipline and in which a letter of recommendation would not be granted. Such cases may include:

  • A member has united with another gospel believing church not of like faith and practice. Members who join other churches that do not align substantially with the West Lenoir Baptist Church Statement of Faith will not receive a letter of recommendation, but upon a vote of approval of the West Lenoir Baptist Church congregation, will be removed from the membership roll.

    (note -When West Lenoir Baptist Church receives notice of a member’s intention to unite with another church who’s faith and practice is outside of historic orthodox Christian teaching, the church discipline process in Section 7 above may be pursued out of great concern for the member’s soul.)

  • A member who has relocated out of the area and is no longer in contact with the congregation. After attempts to establish contact have failed and a sufficient period of time has passed, the individual will be presented to the congregation for a vote of removal from the membership roll.

  • Any member who concludes that he or she is not a Christian. Upon a verified account of an individual’s denial of personal faith and the individual’s rejection of the call to faith through the gospel, the individual will be presented to the congregation for a vote of removal from the membership roll. (1 John 2:19; 2 Corinthians 13:5)

    4. Exclusion – In following the instruction in Holy Scripture, a congregation must exclude from gospel fellowship and from church membership those who refuse the correction and restoration offered in submitting to church discipline. See Section 7, Number 4 above. (Matthew 18:15-20; Romans 16:17-18; 1 Corinthians 5:2, 4-5, 11-13; Titus 3:10-11; Hebrews 13:17)

    Article 5 – Worship Services

    5.1 Worship services shall be held each Lord’s Day and other worship services may be held throughout the week as the church determines.

    5.2 The pastoral leadership will regularly administer the ordinances of believer’s baptism and the Lord’s Supper in the Lord’s Day worship service.

    5.3 It will be the pastoral leadership’s responsibility to determine if a Lord’s Day worship service is to be canceled due to being providentially hindered by weather, disaster, or some other circumstance temporarily making the meeting dangerous or impractical. Approval of the congregation is required for any long-term suspension of Lord’s Day services.

    5.4 The Lord’s Day morning worship will be ordered by the New Testament pattern. The regular Lord’s Day worship will include the public reading of the Holy Scriptures, prayer, receiving of tithes and offerings, joining together in songs of praise to God, and the preaching of the Word of God. The Pastoral Leadership will have final responsibility for the order of the Lord’s Day worship services, including scheduling guest preachers or any special additions to be included in the liturgy (1 Timothy 4:13, Revelation 1:3, Hebrews 13:17).

Article 6 – Officers, Church Positions, Ministerial Staff, and Leadership Roles

6.0.1 The Biblical offices in the church are elders (pastors) and deacons (1 Timothy 3:1-13). In addition, this church designates the positions of Clerk, Treasurer, Trustees, and Music Director. Additionally, members may be placed in educational or administrative roles by the Pastoral Leadership.

6.0.2 All persons serving either as officers, in church positions, ministerial staff, or assigned leadership roles in the church shall be active and faithful members of West Lenoir Baptist Church who have the ability and willingness to serve and who manifest a growing and maturing faith in Christ (see responsibilities of members in Article 4 - Membership above).

Section 1 – Pastors/Elders

6.1.1 The church is led by pastors/elders (1 Peter 5:1-3, Acts 20:28). The New Testament uses the titles of elder, overseer, and bishop interchangeably to designate men who serve in the function and office of pastors/elders (1 Timothy 3:1, 5:17, Titus 1:5-7, Ephesians 4:11).

6.1.2 The pastors/elders of West Lenoir Baptist Church shall be men who meet the qualifications set forth in Scripture (1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:6-9).

6.1.3 In all public and private preaching or teaching the pastors/elders must faithfully adhere to the Word of God and the West Lenoir Baptist Church Statement of Faith. In leading the church, the pastors/elders must also faithfully follow the Constitution and Bylaws of the church.

6.1.4 Pastors/Elders shall serve for an indefinite term of service. The pastor/elder’s service in office will end upon resignation or he may be removed from office by action of the congregation (see Article 7).

6.1.5 The New Testament pattern is that the office of pastor/elder is occupied by a plurality of men in the congregation (Titus 1:5, Acts 14:23). The number of pastors/elders will be as many as are qualified and have been installed into the office by the congregation (see Article 7).

6.1.6 The New Testament instructs churches to ensure its pastors/elders are provided for financially (1 Corinthians 9:13-14, Galatians 6:6). Those pastors/elders who primarily labor in preaching and teaching the congregation are especially to be supported financially by the church (1 Timothy 5:17).

6.1.7 West Lenoir Baptist Church will designate pastors/elders to be in the full-time employment of the church who will also be primarily responsible for the weekly preaching of the Word of God in public worship. Other pastors/elders may be partially supported financially by the church or may support themselves in part or in whole by other employment (1 Corinthians 9).


6.1.8 The pastors/elders will be equal in authority, regardless of compensation or employment status and will operate in a mutually humble and submissive manner that seeks unity as they lead the church. Due to practical responsibilities and employment considerations the duties and responsibilities may be divided up differently among the pastors/elders.

6.1.9 The pastors/elders shall organize themselves and adopt such procedures as necessary to carry out their responsibilities.

6.1.10 Whenever West Lenoir Baptist Church is functioning with only one pastor/elder, the church shall follow the biblical pattern by prayerfully and dutifully seeking to have a plurality of pastors/elders (2 Timothy 2:2, Titus 1:5).

6.1.11 The pastors/elders’ primary responsibility is to shepherd the flock of God (1 Peter 5:1-3). This responsibility will be accomplished by devoting themselves to prayer and the study of God’s Word, teaching and exhorting the congregation, overseeing the public worship services of the church, administering the ordinances, refuting false teaching and teachers, caring for the membership’s spiritual growth, praying for the sick, visiting the members, modeling hospitality, being an example of Christian character, and overseeing the direction of the church.

Section 2 – Deacons

6.2.1 The church shall recognize godly men gifted and desiring to serve in the office of deacon. Deacons exercise a ministry of service and assist the pastoral leadership in those practical aspects of ministry which would otherwise distract the pastors from the priority of the ministry of the Word, prayer, and shepherding (1 Timothy 3:8-13, Philippians 1:1).

6.2.2 The deacons of West Lenoir Baptist Church shall be men who meet the qualifications set forth in Scripture (1 Timothy 3:8-13).

6.2.3 The deacons will serve and care for the church in various way, including, but not limited to:

  • Assisting the pastoral leadership in the meeting the tangible needs of the church (Acts 6).

  • Ministering to the physical needs of the membership (Acts 6).

  • Facilitating unity among the congregation by giving attention and service to the whole body

    (Acts 6).

  • Leading in the preparation and the supply of the material needs necessary for public worship


  • Comforting and supporting members and some outside of the church by assisting the pastoral

    leadership in distributing benevolence on behalf of the church.

  • Modeling Christian character, values, and behavior.

  • Caring for the property of the church.

  • Leading volunteers to meet other needs as assigned to them by the pastoral leadership or the



6.2.4 The number of deacons will correspond to the needs of the church and the number of men who are scripturally qualified.

6.2.5 Deacons will serve at the will of the congregation as long as he remains qualified and able to serve the needs of the congregation. The service of a deacon will end upon resignation or removal by the congregation (see Article 7).

Section 3 – Clerk

6.3.1 The clerk will be responsible to keep and prepare records and reports for the church.

6.3.2 The primary duties of the clerk will be to record minutes of all church business meetings, to maintain an accurate roll of membership, correspond on membership matters with other churches, and to complete and produce other reports as instructed by the pastoral leadership or the congregation.

6.3.3 The clerk will be nominated by the Pastoral Leadership and elected to the position by the congregation.

6.3.4 The clerk will serve for an indefinite period as long as he/she remains a member in good standing and able to perform the required responsibilities. The clerk’s service will end upon resignation or removal by the congregation.

6.3.5 In absence or incapacity of the clerk, the pastoral leadership may appoint another member of the church to fulfill the clerk’s duties temporarily.

Section 4 – Treasurer

6.4.1 The treasurer will serve the church by providing oversight of the financial and accounting activities of the church.

6.4.2 The primary duties of the treasurer will be to ensure that all funds and securities of the church are properly secured in such banks, financial institutions, or depositories as appropriate, and to present regular reports of the account balances, revenues, and expenses of the church at business meetings and to the pastoral leadership as requested.

6.4.3 The treasurer shall also see that complete records of receipts and disbursements are kept in books or electronic record keeping systems belonging to the church, and that adequate safeguards are implemented to ensure that all funds belonging to the church are appropriately handled.

6.4.4 The treasurer will provide individual members or households with an annual accounting of contributions received from the member.

6.4.5 The treasurer will be nominated by the pastoral leadership and elected to the position by the congregation.

6.4.6 The treasurer will serve for an indefinite period as long as he/she remains a member in good standing and able to perform the required responsibilities. The treasurer’s service will end upon resignation or removal by the congregation.

6.4.7 In absence or incapacity of the treasurer, the pastoral leadership may appoint another member of the church to fulfill the treasurer’s duties temporarily.

6.4.8 The treasurer will serve as a member of the church finance committee, providing assistance in preparing the annual budget and access to financial records of the church.

Section 5 – Music Minister

6.5.1 The church may employ either full-time or part-time a music minister to direct the musical and media operations of the church.

6.5.2 The music minister will report to and operate under the direction of the pastoral leadership.

6.5.3 The primary duties of the music minister will include: the planning and directing of music in the public worship services, funerals, weddings, and special services; the coordination and delivery of the media ministries of the church; and various other responsibilities as needed and assigned by the pastoral leadership.

6.5.4 The pastoral leadership will make a recommendation of a selection of music minister and then hire upon approval of the congregation.

6.5.5 The music minister’s service will end upon resignation or by action of the congregation.

Section 6 – Administrative Professional

6.6.1 The church may employ either full-time or part-time an administrative professional to assist with the administrative needs of the operation of the church.

6.6.2 The administrative professional will report to the pastoral leadership and the duties of the position will be outlined in the job description with additional duties assigned as needed.

6.6.3 The pastoral leadership will make a recommendation of a selection to this role and then hire upon approval of the congregation.

6.6.4 The administrative professional’s employment will end upon resignation, being dismissed by the pastoral leadership, or by action of the congregation.

Section 7 – Educational and Leadership Roles

6.7.1 Additional needs of the congregation shall primarily be supplied by church volunteers.

6.7.2 Volunteer leaders of different operations or ministries of the church will be established and appointed by the pastoral leadership.

6.7.3 Volunteer educational leadership and teaching roles within the church will be established and appointed by the pastoral leadership.

6.7.4 All individuals appointed to established roles in the church will be members in good standing who are qualified for the task and meet the spiritual needs of the role. From time-to-time non-members may serve a temporary role in the church on a limited basis but only members will be placed in established permanent roles in the church.

6.7.5 Volunteers serving in established educational or leadership roles in the church may be removed from the role at any time by action of the pastoral leadership.

6.7.6 Volunteer roles may be reevaluated or ended by the pastoral leadership when it is determined the needs and mission of the church no longer require the continuation of the role.

Section 8 – Trustees

6.8.1 The trustees will be responsible to maintain and carry out the duties required by the laws and regulations of the State of North Carolina.

6.8.2 The trustees will be nominated by the pastoral leadership and elected by the congregation as often as required by the regulations and laws of the State of North Carolina.

Article 7 – Election, Installation, and Removal of Officers

Section 1 – Calling and Election of Pastors/Elders

7.1.1 The pastors/elders of West Lenoir Baptist Church are responsible for the spiritual direction and guidance of the congregation. As the spiritual leaders of the church, the pastors/elders will be responsible for making recommendations to the congregation of men to call to the office of pastor/elder. (Hebrews 13:7, 17; 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13).

7.1.2 The current pastors/elders will compose a standing Selection Committee responsible for recommending men to the congregation to serve in the office of pastor/elder. The pastors/elders, in their discretion, may present to the congregation for approval as many names as they desire to temporarily assist them on the Selection Committee.

7.1.3 At times when no pastors/elders are currently in place, at a church business meeting, the congregation will form a Selection Committee and designate their purpose and responsibilities. Those serving on the Selection Committee should be members in good standing, men of spiritual maturity, and godly examples.

7.1.4 In determining who to recommend for the office of pastor/elder to the congregation, the Selection Committee will seek the guidance of the Spirit, operate together in unity, and seek the interests Christ and His church.

7.1.5 Reports informing or updating the congregation of the ongoing process and work of the Selection Committee will be made only as agreed upon by the whole committee.

7.1.6 All information concerning men under consideration for the office of pastor/elder must be handled with tremendous care and confidentiality. Every effort will be made to avoid embarrassment to prospective pastors/elders, their churches, and communities throughout all discussions, communications, or visits.

7.1.7 In considering prospective candidates for office, the Selection Committee must determine that a man is qualified for the office as defined in the New Testament. Particular attention should be paid to the man’s knowledge of the scripture, ability to teach and preach the scriptures well, the godly character of the man, the man’s public Christian witness, and leadership capability.

7.1.8 If at any time during the recommendation or selection process a committee member becomes a candidate for the position of pastor/elder, he will be excused from further discussions and efforts of selection and recommendation for as long as he remains a candidate for the office.

7.1.9 Once the Selection Committee selects a man to recommend, they will present the name of the candidate to the congregation. The recommendation of a candidate from outside the membership of West Lenoir Baptist Church will also include an announced date upon which the candidate will preach to the church and the congregation will have opportunity to meet and question the candidate.

7.1.10 To allow for a time of prayer and consideration, a church business meeting for the purpose of considering the congregation’s call of the candidate to the office of pastor/elder will be scheduled no sooner than two weeks after a candidate has preached to and met with the congregation. A church business meeting to consider the call of a current member of West Lenoir Baptist Church to the office of pastor/elder will be held no sooner than two weeks after the member has been recommended to the office by the Selection Committee.

7.1.11 Any member of West Lenoir Baptist Church with reason to believe that a recommended candidate is unqualified for office should express such concern to the Selection Committee.

7.1.12 Only the congregation can issue a call to a prospective pastor/elder. If the pastor/elder is to be financially supported and employed by the church, the financial terms and a job description will be addressed at the business meeting in which the vote on a pastoral call is considered. A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of member’s present and voting will establish the church’s calling of the candidate to the office of pastor/elder.

7.1.13 Upon a pastoral call being issued by the congregation and accepted by the candidate, the new pastor/elder and his wife (if he is married) will also be added as a member(s) in good standing of West Lenoir Baptist Church.

7.1.14 Upon a pastoral call being issued by the congregation and accepted by the candidate, any members assisting the pastors/elders with recommendation and selection, or any Selection Committee other than the current pastors/elders are released from their duties.


Section 2 - Installation of Pastors/Elders

7.2.1 All pastors/elders who accept the call from the congregation will be installed in a Lord’s Day worship service of the church (Acts 14:23).

7.2.2 A current pastor/elder (or in times of no current pastors/elders, a representative of the congregation) shall present the following questions to the newly elected pastor/elder as follows:

  • Do you believe the Scriptures as written in the Old and New Testaments to be the Word of God, and do you accept them as the only infallible rule of faith and practice, promising to live wholly under their authority?

  • Do you personally endorse, and will you cheerfully submit to and defend the Statement of Faith, Church Covenant, Constitution and By-Laws of this church, promising to carry out your responsibilities in accordance with these guiding documents?

  • Do you accept the Office of Pastor/Elder readily, and do you promise to perform its duties of caring for the flock of God in the fear of His name?

    7.2.3 Upon positive affirmation of each question, the existing pastors/elders (or representatives of the congregation if no current pastors/elders) shall place their hands on the new pastors/elders and prayer will be offered in their behalf. Following this, the people shall be exhorted to esteem and obey those whom God has placed over them (Hebrews 13:17).

    Section 3 - Removal of Pastor/Elders

    7.3.1 As previously in 6.1.4, pastors/elders may be removed from office by resignation or by action of the congregation.

    7.3.2 Resignations by a pastor/elder shall normally provide at least two weeks’ notice before his service ends. A written resignation, or an oral resignation delivered at a Lord’s Day service or at a church business meeting, if without conditions, shall be final and binding. If any resignation is subject to conditions, it shall be effective and binding when accepted by majority vote of the congregation in a church business meeting.

    7.3.3 A pastor/elder may be removed by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the members present and voting at a properly called church business meeting. (No accusation of sin against an elder will be deemed in order unless it is supported by evidence that can be validated by two or more witnesses (1 Timothy 5:19)). At the business meeting, before any vote of removal may be held, the pastor/elder will be provided an opportunity to be heard.

    7.3.4 The congregation’s removal of a pastor/elder from office shall be effective immediately, but any salary and benefits shall continue for not less than thirty days. Any motion/resolution to remove may also contain recommendations concerning other financial aspects of the termination including severance pay.

         7.3.5 When a pastor/elder is removed from our midst by death, naturally he will be removed from the office. At the next church business                       meeting following the death of a pastor/elder, the congregation will be notified that the man has graduated to eternity and is released from                 office.

         7.3.6 The congregation’s removal of a pastor/elder does not include removal from membership. If a pastor/elder is removed for an issue that             indicates the necessity of church discipline, the church members and remaining pastors/elders will lovingly pursue the repentance and                         reconciliation of the former pastor/elder.

Section 4 - Electing Deacons

7.4.1 The pastors/elders of West Lenoir Baptist Church are responsible for the spiritual direction and guidance of the congregation. As the spiritual leaders of the church, the pastors/elders will be primarily responsible for making recommendations to the congregation of men to elect to the office of deacon.

7.4.2 In considering prospective candidates for office, the pastors/elders will evaluate that a candidate is qualified for the office as defined in the New Testament. Particular attention must be paid to the godly character of the man, the man’s public Christian witness, leadership capability, and willingness to serve.

7.4.3 Once the current pastors/elders have decided to recommend a man to the office of deacon, they will present the name of the candidate to the congregation.

7.4.4 To allow time for prayer and consideration, a vote to elect a candidate to the office of deacon will be considered at a church business meeting no sooner than two weeks after the announcement of the candidate’s recommendation.

7.4.5 Any member of West Lenoir Baptist Church with reason to believe that a recommended candidate is unqualified for office should express such concern to the pastors/elders.

7.4.6 Only the congregation can elect a man to the office of deacon. A simple majority vote of members present and voting at a church business meeting will establish the candidate in the office of deacon.

Section 5 – Installation of Deacons

7.5.1 All deacons elected by the congregation will be installed in a Lord’s Day worship service of the church.

7.5.2 The pastors/elders shall present the following questions to the newly elected deacons as follows:

• Do you believe the Scriptures as written in the Old and New Testaments to be the Word of God, and do you accept them as the only infallible rule of faith and practice, promising to live wholly under their authority?

  • Do you personally endorse, and will you cheerfully submit to and defend the Statement of Faith, Church Covenant, Constitution and By-Laws of this church, promising to carry out your responsibilities in accordance with these guiding documents?

  • Do you accept the Office of Deacon, and do you promise to care for the poor and needy, to serve in the ministry of this church in the fear of God, and to work for the unity of this church under the direction and in cooperation with the pastors/elders?

    7.5.3 Upon positive affirmation of each question, the pastors/elders shall place their hands on the new pastors/elders and prayer will be offered in their behalf. Following this, the people shall be exhorted to esteem and honor those servants God has given to the church (Acts 6:6).

    Section 6 – Removal of Deacons

    7.6.1 As previously in 6.2.5, deacons serve at the will of the congregation and may be removed from office by resignation or by action of the congregation.

    7.6.2 Resignations by a deacon shall be either verbal or written. Written resignations should be delivered to a pastor/elder and will be announced to the congregation at the next church business meeting. Verbal resignations may be given at a church business meeting. Resignations shall be without condition and are final and binding.

    7.6.3 A deacon may be removed by a majority vote of the members present and voting at a properly called church business meeting. At the business meeting, before any such vote may be held, the deacon will be provided opportunity to be heard. The congregation’s removal of a deacon from office shall be effective immediately.

    7.6.4 When a deacon is removed from our midst by death, naturally he will be removed from the office. At the next church business meeting following the death of a deacon, the congregation will be notified that the man has graduated to eternity and is released from office.

    7.6.5 The congregation’s removal of a deacon does not include removal from membership. If a deacon is removed for an issue that indicates the necessity of church discipline, the church members and pastors/elders will lovingly pursue the repentance and reconciliation of the former deacon.

    Article 8 – Ordination

    8.1 In the event a male member of West Lenoir Baptist Church expresses a desire to be ordained into Gospel ministry, or whenever another church of like faith and practice desires a member of West Lenoir Baptist Church to be ordained into Gospel ministry, the request will be made to the Pastoral Leadership.

    8.2 The Pastoral Leadership will prayerfully and maturely examine the candidate for ordination to determine if he is to be recommended to the congregation for ordination into Gospel ministry. This examination will include evaluating the soundness of his conversion, the godliness of his example, his doctrinal faithfulness, the observation of gifting, and the blessing of God upon his ministry.


8.3 Upon satisfactory examination the Pastoral Leadership will make a recommendation to the congregation of West Lenoir Baptist Church to proceed with ordination.

8.4 With approval of the congregation, the Pastoral Leadership will administer, coordinate, and schedule the ordination ceremony at a Lord’s Day worship service of the church.

Article 9 – Church Finance

9.1 The operation of the church shall be supported by the voluntarily given tithes and offerings of the membership and others freely donating to the church (1 Corinthians 16:1-2).

9.2 A budget of anticipated spending and operating expense shall be presented to the church annually by the finance committee for review and adoption.

9.3 The annual budget shall be prepared under the direction of the Pastoral Leadership utilizing a finance committee. The finance committee will approved by the congregation and made up of as many members as are necessary to accurately determine and set the financial direction of the church.

9.4 Once adopted, all expenditures within the annual budget will be approved and carried out by the Pastoral Leadership, Treasurer, or other designated responsible member(s).

9.5 Expenditures over the adopted budget will be approved by the Pastoral Leadership up to an additional 10% of the original budgeted amount for the category of the expense. Any spending in a budget category over 10% of the originally approved amount will be presented to the congregation for approval in a business meeting.

9.6 No fund-raising methods shall be conducted or promoted by the church or its related ministries without the prior approval of the Pastoral Leadership.

9.7 No person, board, or committee shall be authorized to borrow money, or place a mortgage or lien on the property of West Lenoir Baptist Church without the express prior approval of the congregation.

9.8 From time to time the Pastoral Leadership may recommend to the congregation in a business meeting that a routine audit of the church’s finances be carried out by an independent professional firm (2 Corinthians 8:19-21).

Article 10 – Property, Assets, and Facilities Use

10.1 West Lenoir Baptist Church will receive and hold property (by gift or purchase) as deemed necessary for the functioning and purposes of this church.

10.2 The buildings, property, and assets of the church will primarily be used for the functions and activities of the church.

10.3 The use of buildings, property, or equipment by church members, other churches, or organizations, will only be permitted when usage does not interfere with the function or purposes of West Lenoir Baptist Church.

10.4 Other churches or organizations approved by the Pastoral Leadership to utilize the buildings, property, or equipment of West Lenoir Baptist Church must closely align with the West Lenoir Baptist Church Statement of Faith.

10.5 The use of all buildings, property, vehicles, and equipment held by West Lenoir Baptist church is subject to the approval of the Pastoral Leadership or their designee.

Article 11 – Dispute Resolution

11.1 The members of West Lenoir Baptist Church are to live at peace with one another and follow the instructions of the Holy Scriptures to resolve conflict among themselves as much a possible without resorting to civil courts (Matthew 18:15-20; 1 Corinthians 6:1-11).

11.2 In certain cases of alleged serious physical harm or some criminal behavior, those aware may be legally and biblically required to report information to governmental authorities (Romans 13:3-5).

Article 12 – Amendments to the Constitution and/or Bylaws

12.1 The Constitution and Bylaws of West Lenoir Baptist Church may be amended or repealed by a three-fourths (3/4) majority of the members present and voting at a church business meeting provided the proposed amendments shall have been offered in writing at the previous business meeting and posted in a prominent place in the church building for at least two Lord’s Day morning services prior to the vote.

12.2 Voting on amendments or repeals of the Constitution and Bylaws shall be by written ballot.

12.3 The church clerk shall record all amendments to the Constitution and/or Bylaws. All amendments shall be added to the Constitution and Bylaws with a summary of the changes and date listed at the end of the document.

Article 13 – Dissolution

13.1 In the event of the dissolution of this church, the assets of West Lenoir Baptist Church shall be given and paid over to other non-profit organizations of like faith and order as required by the regulations and laws of the State of North Carolina.

13.2 None of the assets, property, or buildings shall be divided among its members or among any individuals or groups not qualified by 13.1 above.

Article 14 - Indemnification

14.1 The Church shall have the power to indemnify any present or former officer, employee or agent, or any person who has served or is serving in such capacity at the request of the Church with respect to any liability or litigation expense, including reasonable attorney’s fees, incurred by any such person to the extent and upon the terms and conditions provided by law. To the extent provided by law, the Church shall indemnify any and all of its officers, staff, and member of required committees against liability and litigation expense, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising out of their status as such or their activities in any of the foregoing capacities (excluding, however, liability or litigation expense which any of the foregoing may incur on account of activities which were at the time taken known or believed to be clearly in conflict with the best interests of the Church), and said officers and members shall be entitled to recover from the Church, and the Church shall pay, all reasonable costs, expenses, and attorneys’ fees in connection with the enforcement of rights to indemnification granted herein.

14.2 To indemnify, also known as indemnity or indemnification, means compensating a person for damages or losses they have incurred or will incur related to a specified accident, incident, or event. (definition original of Cornell Law School, Legal Information Institute)

Article 15 – Business Meetings

15.1 All meetings will be carried out in the spirit of mutual trust, forbearance, and loving consideration as is appropriate for the body of our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 14:40, Philippians 2:4-5, 14-15).

15.2 Regular business meetings will be held monthly at some time apart from the Lord’s Day morning service (exception in 7.9). Business meetings will give attention to membership matters, financial issues, distribution of reports, conduct church elections, and other matters generally applicable to the congregation.

15.3 A quorum will be understood to have been met by those members present for all meetings held as prescribed in these bylaws.

15.4 All members should regard their presence at business meetings with the same seriousness and duty with which they would regard their attendance at any other meeting of the church. While visitors and family members are welcome to attend business meetings, the business of West Lenoir Baptist Church will be carried out only by the membership. At times, for sensitive matters, attendance to a portion of a business meeting may be limited to the membership.

15.5 The Pastoral Leadership or their designee will moderate all business meetings. The moderator will oversee with the objective of the meeting being orderly, productive, informational, and that appropriate questions are heard and answered. The moderator will be responsible to recognize other speakers for reports and discussion (James 2:1-9).

15.6 The moderator will present recommendations of the pastoral staff and church committees or may recognize a member from relevant committees to present business to the church. The moderator will ensure appropriate time is allowed for questions and discussion before a motion on an issue is recognized. The moderator will also make available opportunity for members to bring business before the church by recognizing members from the floor. When a motion is recognized by the moderator, a second is required to be considered by the church. Only one motion can be considered at a time. Recognized motions on church business can pass, fail, be referred, or be postponed.

15.7 Any member deliberately seeking to cause contention or division shall be ruled out of order by the moderator and will forfeit their participation for the remainder of the meeting.

15.8 Additional special business meetings may also be scheduled by the pastoral leadership or by written request, submitted to the pastors, of one-fourth of the membership. Any written request must include the purpose for the special business meeting. Upon receiving such a request, the pastoral leadership will schedule a business meeting as soon as it may be announced for two Lord’s Day morning services prior to the meeting.

15.9 Special emergency business meetings may be called upon agreement of the congregation at a regular Lord’s Day service to address pressing business which time restraints would not allow for waiting until the next regular business meeting. Special business meetings shall be limited to address only issues requiring the congregation’s immediate attention.

15.10 Any member of the church present, in good and regular standing, eighteen years of age or over, shall have the right to vote on any matter properly brought before the congregation.

15.11 There shall be no private audio or video recordings or personal broadcasts of the business meetings of West Lenoir Baptist Church. Members will have access to the minutes of any business meeting upon written request to the church clerk and approval of pastoral leadership.

15.12 Except as otherwise specified in these bylaws, a simple majority vote of all members present at a business meeting will pass any motion, resolution, or approval. Abstentions will not be considered as votes cast.

15.13 Any substantive or sensitive matters, or issues potentially controversial within the church may be voted on by secret ballot. The Pastoral Leadership may designate beforehand certain issues to be secret ballot, or an item may be set by the church in a business meeting to be a secret ballot vote.